Reading Assignments#

Every week, each student is asked to read and discuss a series of reading assignments. The topics of the reading assignments include reproducibitity in science, open source practices, and applications to climate science, among others.

You have to submit a total of two paragraphs per each separate article. The first is a summary paragraph and the second must highlight an important idea of the reading. This last one can be focused in something that caught your attention and you would like to expand a little bit more. You are more than welcome to orient this second paragraph into something related to your own research or area of interest. A good length for each one of the paragraphs is between 80 and 120 words.

You will submit your reading assignments in bCourses. Reading assignments will be due every Wednesday at 9pm (Exception: the first one will be due Thursday Jan 26). No late reading assignments will be accepted unless there is a medical situation or other documented major emergency. In that case, you will need to submit in Ed a private note to the instructors with a supporting evidence showing that you are unable to complete the assignment.

You can drop two readings without need of justification. Notice that this applies to INDIVIDUAL readings. For example, if the weekly reading consists of 4 papers, you can drop a maximum of two of them. If you drop two readings in one week, you cannot drop any other one without penalty.

Each paragraph per reading assignment gives 1 point (a total of 2 per reading). The final points for the reading assignments is the sum of all the readings. Notice that this means that the maximum credit you can obtain per week depends on the number of readings that week.

Future reading assignments