Group 12 Final Project: An Analysis on Animal Shelter Data from Sonoma County, CA#

Welcome to Group 12’s final project for Stat 159.

The Binder link to our repository can be found below: Binder


Florence Thin, Michelle Lin, and Sarah Song

Project Description#

For our final project, we analyze the publicly available data from Sonoma County animal shelters. More details about the data can be found on the main analysis page. Here is a description of the files in the repo:

  • _build folder contains files necessary to build the JupyterBook

  • _config.yml is the YAML file used to generate when creating the JupyterBook

  • data folder contains the data we used for analysis in csv format

  • EDA.ipynb contains the EDA portion of our analysis

  • environment.yml contains the information needed to replicate our environment

  • figures folder contains the figures generated by the notebook main.ipynb

  • LICENSE contains information on our license

  • main.ipynb contains a summary of our analysis

  • Makefile details commands you may use, such as building our environment

  • modeling.ipynb contains the modeling portion of our analysis

  • requirements.txt contains the requirements to build the JupyterBook

  • shetertools folder contains utility functions and tests for them

  • _toc.yml contains the table of contents for our JupyterBook

  • setup.cfg and pyproj.toml ensure the successful deployment of the sheltertools package

Review Assignment Due Date